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Art + Illustration by Sally Harless

news & upcoming events



Fall weather is here and as much as it pains me to say goodbye to my favorite season of summer, we have to move forward! If you're a person who likes to get your holiday shopping done sooner rather than later, I'm offering ornaments very early this year. Each one is custom made with whatever colors you like! Choose from a variety of wild animals!


Do you ❤️ getting things in the mail as much as I do? I have longed for the days of 20 years ago when my friends and I sent each other fun stuff 📬  The term "good mail day" used to be a thing and it was exciting! So, introducing The Snail Mail Club! 🐌

Every month I'll send a little something to you in the mail. A postcard, a magnet, a sticker, a greeting card, etc... Each piece will have new artwork!

You'll also get to read my secret blog, emailed to you every other week. Your support means the world to me and helps me to keep creating art!

Click here to join the Snail Mail Club!

Past snail mail club Dispatches

Upcoming Events

saturday, sept 21, 11am-7pm
Bloomington, IN
more info here

thursday, oct 3, 4pm-7pm 
bloomington, in
more info here


Saturday, October 14 
bloomingtOn, IN
more info here


november 16+17 
bloomingtOn, IN
more info here

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